Safety Tip: Lane Positioning

Safety tip from Paul Carroll I am asked quite frequently, “what is the best lane positioning for riding one’s motorcycle?” The answer is, “that depends.” Keep in mind there are two parts of this decision making: lane selection and lane positioning. Lane selection is utilized when you are traveling on a multiple lane roadway traveling the same direction, e.g….


Gearing Up for Two-Wheeled Adventures with a Passenger: Your Safety and Comfort Guide

Road tripping with a passenger on your motorcycle can be an exhilarating experience filled with shared smiles and scenic memories, but it’s crucial to prioritize safety and comfort for both of you.  Before going on the road with a passenger, hone your skills to become a more proficient rider.  Carrying extra weight significantly alters handling, increasing the risk of…


Safety Tip: Obstacle Negotiation

NoCo IMRG Motorcycle Skills Practice

A safety tip from Paul Carroll It’s inevitable during your riding that you are going to encounter obstacles which present themselves in the roadway that you cannot simply counter-steer to avoid and you must ride over them. This can be done safely through proper motorcycle placement, throttle and brake control, head and eye placement and good judgment. While you…


Safety Tip: Pick a Parking Lot and Practice Your U-Turns

Making a U-turn on a motorcycle can be a challenging maneuver, as unlike cars, motorcycles only have two wheels and can easily tip over if not done properly.  It is essential to practice U-turns in a safe environment, such as an empty parking lot, before attempting them on public roads. Learning and practicing how to do a U-turn on…


Safety Tip: Easy Head & Eye Placement Exercise

This is a very easy exercise from MCrider to practice head and eye placement – i.e. point your nose in the direction you want to go.  MCrider states that using good head and eye placement is an essential riding principal, and something riders need to continually work on.  Where you look through a corner impacts your turning radius, ability…


Safety Tip: Friction Zone

At our last skills practice session, we practiced riding as slow as you can in a straight line without putting your feet down.  This was to get you to gain a better feel of the friction zone on your motorcycle.  Using the friction zone is a core skill every rider needs to master.  Using the friction zone is the…


Safety Tip: Lifting Fallen Motorcycle

NoCo IMRG Safety Director demonstrates how to lift a fallen motorcycle.

Paul, Northern Colorado Indian Motorcycle Riders Group Safety Director, demonstrates how to upright a fallen motorcycle. A couple of NoCo IMRG Chapter members also try their hand at lifting the bike. The key to lifting a fallen motorcycle is to use your legs, and not risk injury bending down and trying to lift with your back. Turn off the…


Safety Tip: Surface Appraisal

Northern Colorado IMRG Carter Lake

If you’ve ridden a motorcycle more than a day, then you know that not all roads are the same. They are made of different materials, the quality of their surfaces varies considerably; they might be pristine and immaculate in one place, only to become pot-holed war zones a few miles further along. This is especially true right here in…


Safety Tip: Motorcycle Helmets

Motorcycle Helmets

It’s at this time of year that I look at acquiring some new gear. Maybe a new helmet is in your future, if so, here is the latest Safety Tip on helmets…Enjoy! I’m very much an advocate on freedom of choice, and in our state we are fortunate to still have the choice whether to wear a helmet while…


Safety Tip: Tire Selection

This is one of the most comprehensive videos on tire selection and the importance from a safety perspective. Bill Gray with J&P Cycles ( does a great job of illustrating the importance of tire selection and maintenance in this video. Please watch, it just may save your life. It’s hard to believe that we are only a couple of…