We are the Northern Colorado Indian Motorcycle Riders Group®, or otherwise simply known as the NoCo IMRG, and were first established in July 2018. The NoCo IMRG is Local Chapter #2036 under the National IMRG, and is sponsored by Indian Motorcycle of Fort Collins. Our membership is comprised of a diverse group of individuals who have a passion for motorcycles with an affinity toward Indian motorcycles, and the desire to keep the legend of Indian strong and thriving well into the future. We are fortunate to have the Rockies in our backyard to adventure out on amazing scenic motorcycle rides. We value fun and good fellowship through riding, socializing, and having enjoyable times with the members of our Chapter.

Anyone is welcome to join, and will be greeted with open arms, whether you are fairly new to motorcycle street riding or have been on the road riding for decades. We also have passengers who are members. Membership in the NoCo IMRG is noncommittal. You are not required to attend any specific group functions or meetings, and may participate as much or as little as you would like (though we think you will want to join in the fun more often than not).
We have monthly meetings held at the Indian Motorcycle of Fort Collins to talk about IMRG Chapter topics and upcoming events, but mostly to spend time with a good group of folks. Every month, we usually have several riding events happening, which is the core of what the NoCo IMRG is all about. See our calendar for upcoming activities.
If you like motorcycle riding (particularly Indian motorcycles), socializing, and just having good old fashion fun, then the Northern Colorado IMRG Chapter may be right for you. With the NoCo IMRG, you will always have friends to ride with, and will have the opportunity to improve your motorcycle riding skills, and have the opportunity to talk with other motorcycle enthusiasts. Come to a meeting, connect with us on a group ride or two, and join our Chapter. We look forward to having you as a member!