We set out early in the morning from the Indian Motorcycle of Fort Collins on a beautiful last day of April. The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and there was a gentle breeze blowing with only a slight chill in the air. On this day we rode to Beecher Island Battlefield, just south of Wray.
Jim and Michelle had traveled to Wray (and beyond for an overnighter) the day before and warned of a bridge closure along our planned route. We adjusted our ride route to head further south and then east to avoid the closure. The 225 mile ride to Beecher Island was mostly flat, with gentle hills here and there. We passed through rolling grasslands, dotted with occasional trees and shrubs.
After we finished exploring the battlefield, we headed to Wray where we stopped for a late lunch at Subway. We were a bit tired, but very much enjoyed how the day was going. We saw some beautiful scenery, got a little history lesson, and had a great time riding our bikes. After lunch, we started our 180 mile journey home by way of Highway 14, passing through Sterling. This was an epic flat lander ride to Wray and back to visit the Beecher Island battlefield. It was a scenic ride through the eastern plains. The day was pretty long, but it was really nice to get out and do some serious riding in decent weather after a late start in the riding year.